Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Vote for me! (to go to Tokyo!)

I recently joined in the fray over at the H&M website to compete for a chance to be a reporter representing H&M at their new Tokyo store opening in Ginza!

I think I've got quite a bit of journalistic experience under my belt, with almost all of it being Japan related, so I went over to my friend Lauran's house, got all fashionista-d up and out, and shot a :30 video!

Please take a gander at my entry here and VOTE for me!

The top 10 voted by "the internet" will then be judged by a panel of H&M reps to decide who will go to Tokyo!

Let's make this happen, people!! VOTE VOTE VOTE! =D


Friday, August 8, 2008

Event Report: Lolita Tea Party at Royal/T

Recently, I attended the Royal/T X Japan LA Lolita Tea Party, and dressed up a storm, as they say.

What: Lolita Tea Party. High tea was served, a photo booth was set up by some artwork, paparazzi snapped photos, and girls got to socialize.
When: August 3, 2008
Where: Royal/T maid cafe in Culver City, (Los Angeles!) CA
Who: Thrown by Japan-goods store Japan LA
Why: To promote Japanese street style here in LA and get business rolling over at Royal/T.

Americajin.com has some more to say about our Japanese street style over on his site, as well. Can you spot me? It shouldn't be TOO hard...

I had loads of fun, and got to see some amazing coordinates. And, of course, it was a fabulous excuse to dress up.

My coordinate from the event.

My outfit breakdown:
Tricorn hat, shoes: BABY, THE STARS SHINE BRIGHT
Skirt: Angelic Pretty
Top/corset: Vivienne Westwood
Wristlets, ruffled tie-on collar: handmade by myself
Socks: Candy Stripper
Jabot: Algonquins

And of course, some of my best friends were on site for this event.
I adore the sweet look as well (as exhibited by the two beautiful blonds on the left and right (Jenny and Lauran, respectively), but I always feel myself compelled to go to the dark side. My friend Truemee (second from right) and I (duh, guess which one!) decided that black chic was more appropriate for this paparazzi filled event.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Glam Eyelashes from Kakuyasu Uchiide: Bat, Bat, Batter up.

I am in love with the ultra-glam look of these fluttery buddies. This kind of reckless abandon for all things practical is a large part of what I love about dressing up. The crazier, more over-the-top, and more impractical I make my fashion, the more I feel like an artist decorating a palette
, rather than just a girl picking pre-selected popular fashions from the rack.

Ironically, my, and many other fashionable ladies', devil-may-care attitude about the glory that is dressing up was poo-pooed by the hypocritical designer of these lovely lashes. In Kakuyasu Uchiide's interview on PingMag.com , he annoyingly comments on Japanese youth culture's obsession with fashion:

"Being an extreme thing is not so good. I like young people who are trying to find their originality through fashion and make-up that is suitable for their income."

Uhm... am I taking crazy pills? His very industry hovers around making HIGH FASHION goods for a select clientèle of only those who can afford it. Extremes in fashion are something I'm always striving for, though I understand that others may not share my strange hobby. I live within my means, but I try to dress fabulous. And so should you.

Mr. Uchiide is head make-up artist for Shu Uemura's cosmetics line.

Don't worry, buddy. I still like your lashes.

Also, this just in:

Wait, wait, wait..... so... BAZAAR Magazine is trying to tell us that.. LUCY LIU IS
ASIAN?!? or... or... AMERICAN? Or BOTH?! Haha... Her horrifying spread centered around Olympics and ACTUALLY draping herself in Chinese and US flags is featured in the August 2008 issue of BIZZAARO.